Friday, October 1, 2010

School is Crazy =/ nd life is boring :S

I hate my life right now. its so boring. its always the same thing; get up, change, eat, do work, clean, help kids with their homework, soccer, computer, bed. :/ its rly just plain sucks and i have alot of work but i dont do any of it. so it just keeps piling and piling. I dont know wht to do anymore. im so bored, i want to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. go out with friends, take on the phone till 3 in the morning and drink lots and lots of root beer lol. I been busy with i have no idea what so thats why i dont post here much anymore. but its starting to get boring since no one even reads my posts. i always thought i just wanted to write stuff but its also nice to know tht someone is out there listening (reading). ahh wht r u gonna do? :)