Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ever Get Tired?

Do you ver get tired of working?
Tired of getting tired?
tried of being angry?
tried of fighting?
tired of trying?
tired of losing?

Everyone is tired of something, either tired their life is so boring or tired their life is so hectic.
Being a teenager is an emotional rollercoaster really. It's almost scary how much you learn and go through. You cry, laugh, smile, frown. You cry so much until you're eyes are sealed shut, you laugh so much until you're stomach hurts and you cant breathe. You smile so much your cheeks hurt then you frown so much that it become stuck on your face even when you arent upset.

I'm not going to go on about how you should live life to the fullest like i did on the last post, but i will say that you have much to learn if you're a teen. even if you're an adult you still have much to learn. you learn about what other people think, you try to see things their way and you try to understand.

My life is crazy most of the time, but that's only because i go out of my way to make my point. if i just rest my case and go with the flow i probably wouldnt be in the state I'm in. But everyone has their story, and of course i have mine which is just as personal as yours.

So heres lesson for today: Go with the flow and smile.
It makes things A LOT easier. (: Chow!

Friday, April 22, 2011

"If you have enemies it's good, it means you stood for something." -Eminem

So it’s been a while since I last blogged about something, and my apologies for that. Things have been crazy and I haven’t found anything that wasn’t personal interesting enough to write about. At first this blog was supposed to be a diary. I didn’t think anyone who find me and follow and be able to read everything. So besides the fact that I’m a very open person, something’s are TOO personal to write about.
For one thing I’m almost done with my course in school and I maybe starting my summer a month earlier. YAY ME! or I could do the smart thing and take a month off and start working again and I could start LIFE earlier. So we’ll see.
My friend is coming over from Jordan this summer and wer going to be spending a lot of time together. I’m really excited because I haven’t seen her in 3 years but we stay in touch via phone, e-mail and Facebook. That opens another thing to talk about. I’ve lost a lot of people, for many reasons, I stood up for something and disagreed with them, I didn’t want to do something stupid with them. I didn’t lie for them or I simply wasn’t “cool” enough to hang with them.
But you know, forget all that. It’s really just a waste of time. Life isn’t about making friends and then getting all depressed when you lose them. Live life to the fullest, smile because you most likely have a reason to. And don’t do anything you’ll regret later. Don’t fall for boy’s love garbage, don’t go crazy if your BFF said your outfit looks bad, or if your mom tells you to change your diet or your way of doing things.
Don’t waste your life trying to please people. Because no matter what you do there will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who’s unhappy with SOMETHING. And that should be their problem, not yours. Life is short, please yourself and others with be pleased too. Do what’s best for you. That say ‘life is always about you.’ But the thing is, it IS all about you. Life’s what you make, it’s all you got so make it the best. Do what you want and have fun. Don’t sweat the small stuff and don’t make a problem bigger than it already is.
It’s so tiring to hate, and be angry and be depressed and miserable. Forgive, forget, smile and be thankful. It’s all you can do. Live your life to the fullest. Don’t be jealous, don’t jinx the ‘barbie girls’ and don’t gossip to damage their ego. ‘Cause what goes around comes around.
I’m telling myself this more than I’m telling you. It’s funny how one can give others the best advice yet when they are stuck in the same situation they can’t take their own advice, it’s like it doesn’t apply. But me, I like making a scene, making an entrance, I don’t know why but the rapper Eminem always said “If you have enemies, it’s good because that means you stood for something.” And I like to keep that thought in my head all the time.
Be your own rolemodel. =]


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Opening up....

The past few days i been thinking...well im always thinking of course but i supposed the past few days i been thinking nd noticing i was thinking...does that make any sense? either way...i am a muslim...we aren't allowed to listen to music yet i do...i know what the punishment is yet i still do it. there are a lot of things we shouldnt b doing but we do anything. the temptations are just unbearable. its embarassing to admit how weak i am to these...even to myself. but i have been trying to change. i kno it will take a while nd not everyone will notice it...but im not doing it for the people...am i? or for myself?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Parents mad at you? D=

Ok, my parents disagree with me on A LOT of things...but that doesnt mean i want them mad at me!! its awful! the feeling that your parents dont want you around them at the moment, especially times when all i want is a hug :( (aww)
but its good that you love each other right? because you put your differences aside. you love each other and forgive each other for what ever it is(: i like that about family. my dad hardly spoke to me for almost 5 days...it was hell. my father means so much today but we made up this morning and it feels great(:

sometimes things DO go just as planned (:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Update: DRAMA!

I know! I know! i haven't written in forever. But i have a good reason...! i didn't want too...just kidding! (lol) i been busy actually. school, friends, week end classes, and drama. ugh lots and lots of drama. seems the drama follows me everywhere i go! i moved a million times and EVERY TIME I'm dragged in some crazy, stupid THING. JUST DRAMA! i try to stay out but I'm always dragged in! I USED to be the type that STARTED drama,,,according to my father but I know I'm not like that anymore! anyway high school is no funny busy. i need to start buckling down and actually studying! I'll try to write more though..chow for now!

Friday, October 1, 2010

School is Crazy =/ nd life is boring :S

I hate my life right now. its so boring. its always the same thing; get up, change, eat, do work, clean, help kids with their homework, soccer, computer, bed. :/ its rly just plain sucks and i have alot of work but i dont do any of it. so it just keeps piling and piling. I dont know wht to do anymore. im so bored, i want to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. go out with friends, take on the phone till 3 in the morning and drink lots and lots of root beer lol. I been busy with i have no idea what so thats why i dont post here much anymore. but its starting to get boring since no one even reads my posts. i always thought i just wanted to write stuff but its also nice to know tht someone is out there listening (reading). ahh wht r u gonna do? :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

What's new

Well school started, I'm taking Spanish and I loved it.

I went to watch Vampires Suck with my friends at the Movies but they werent playing ti anymore so we saw Easy A instead. which was.....dumb yet interesting.

I'm bored and have nothing to do.

I'm not sure i like reading anymore.

I went to Egypt as a tomboy and came back a girl so i need to get back in the game. lol.

I'm strangely craving coffee right about now.

I have work to do and i have no idea what I'm doing

i'm going to go now so bye.