Wednesday, July 21, 2010


you know, i try to fit in! I really do! But life here (in Egypt) is just so DIFFERENT. a perfect example(kinda weird i know): removing hair from your wrist to your elbow. Ok, in America is doesnt matter whether you do it or not, but HERE...Oh.My.God. if you dont do it....ur a ALIEN. its soooo stupid!
and then my cousin goes to this club called a Nadi, i cant go in because im not from here. but thats soooo STUPID and i have to pay ALOT of money to get a card for a whole month JUST TO SIT IN WATCH. i was like 'o hell no! kiss my foot! I'm not doing that!" and its a shame cuz i really like watching my cousin and her friends TRY to play basketball. Ha-ha.

well ya i have like NO TIME to be talking right now but ill see ya soon! ;D

1 comment:

  1. u have to remove ur hair at ur arms?????/ why do they do that stupid rule??????

    ( comment at my blog=) i want 2 know why) It's just sooo weird
